What was just me and my thoughts are now going to become more then that. Now that I am married and have a sweet baby on the way, it's not just me, it's so much more then that!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year!
So the new year is almost here! Its sad but sweet! I really wish I could be with my friends in Portland tonight celebrating but I am going to be home alone tonight at midnight probly watching a movie or something! I have this desire to be somewhere I can't be right now and my heart cry's. So many things run through my head but I know I need to be here right now and I need to except that! I just hope I can do that for the next 7 months or so till I can get into PSU! Wish me luck in the new year! Happy New Year!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Well I had an interesting day yesterday! I was talking to two people yesterday and things happened really weird! I was talking to Joe because I was just seeing if he was ok and to tell him I had a dream about him. I think I will leave him alone for a while cuse he seems really hostile. The other person was Brian and it was crazy! He invited me to a New Years Eve party! And told me that he would love to do the old trdition of kissing at midnight! :) Total shock to me! Now that he isn't my boss he has come out that he wants us to get to know each other better!!!! Only one problem! I'm not in Portland!!!! So sad! I told him I would come but I was in Medford!!! So frustrating. My longing for Portland is so high now! I wish I could just be there and have what I want but I know that I have to work hard to get that and it might take a while but I will get there!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Just board!
So today I am going to church with mom and dad is going to pick grandma up from calli. Not much happening though so just wanted to say hi and happy almost New Years!
Friday, December 26, 2008
So christmas went good and I am happy about that. christmas eve I wasn't feeling very in the spirt but the day came and I did well. I only got a couple of things which is good for me. They were exactly what I wanted. I also got a gift card and scrach-it's (ode to dad) and we had fun scratching those. I made coffee cake and then we opened presents! We cooked the turky and played games till that was done. We relaxed the rest of the day and it was really nice. Now me and dad are driving to Eugene to sleep there so we can drive to Portland for the family Christams party. Can't wait to see everyone and eat well. LOL
Saturday, December 20, 2008
So I am back in Medford with mixed feelings! I wish I could be snowed in in Portland rather then stuck at the house in Medford. I am glad to be back for Christmas but still wish I could go on another coffee date with Brian downtown! Theres not much to do hereand the job I want dosn't open till after Christmas so I sit at home doing homework. I think I have decided to go to PSC next fall in order to get my 12 credits that I already have a loan for till July and then transfer to PSU. Then I can work through the summer and think about things. My heart is in Portland but right now I need to be here helping the people around me and myself! Love you all and MARRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hard night!
So on Saturday I got my purse stolen! Well sort of! It got stolen and then I ran after the guy and then a cop on a bike got him! I got my purse back so no harm done! But then I got lost trying to get back to the max so I was trying to call Brian because he lives downtown and I find out that my phone isn't working! I was freaking out! But I found the max and got home ok! Scary! This is the second time I have almost been mugged! Do I have a sign posted somewhere? LOL anyway that was interesting and now I just want to relax till wednesday when I go back to the zoo! I have been working at the zoo for almost 2 years and I have almost 400 hours and I really want to get there! I am at 390 and I am working 3 more days so I think I will hit it! I love being in Portland!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
One More week!
So I am going to stay in Portland for another week! going to be going to the zoo and hanging out with friends! I am having a lot of fun here and I love it! I really don't want to leave. I have been thinking that my online school is way to much and that I want to go to PSU here in Portland. I have been researching it and see that it would be more cost efective to do that then online plus I can get student housing and a job on campus plus I would be able to get my bachlors in zoology and then get an internship at the zoo during the summer and hopefully a job. Sometimes I hate when I get settled somewhere that I feel that God is leading me somewhere else. Right now I am going to do more research and decide by spring if I am going to transfer. Other then that I am doing really good.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Here in Portland!
So I am here in Portland! Having a great time and loving it! I have already been to the zoo and me and Jenesa had a wounderful time! I have a ton of pics I will share but not till I get home! I am starting the second week of school and did really great the first week! I got an A on everything so I am happy! Well got to go!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The next couple of weeks!
So I am going to Eugene for the rest of the week and weekend! Then I am going to go to Portland to stay with Jenesa for a week! I will be showing her how to set up a myspace and facebook plus get her into a blog! Its going to be interesting! So I won't be very reachable so I will see you all in about a week and a half and don't forget my b-day is on the 29th!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
So on Monday I am going to start school again!!! I am really excited and can't wait! I also hope to get a job at the local vet's here! Its exactly what I want to do and I can ride my bike there easy and its in the field I want! I am so excited! I just need to keep focused and I will do fine! Everyone pray for me! Love you all!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lots of fun things!
So its moms B-Day today!!! I am so excited! I gave her present to her like two months ago but its still fun! But also my birthday is coming up to on the 29th! I am turning 22!!! Crazy how old that feels to me! But I just wanted to share this really funny video with you guys! It was shown at the 2008 super bowl! I love that the animals are scared for the squirl and the katydid that has the tiny scream!
Best commercial EVER!!!
Best commercial EVER!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Life is always turning!
So let me just get this out! I broke up with Joe! Yes you all may wounder why and well I really am sick of explaining my self! But we wern't on the same page and he just wan't getting it! It was to uncomfotable and it wasn't getting better! I am ok and think this is the right decition! On a lighter note I am going back to school! Online of course! I start on the 24th and I am so excited! I am getting my AA of Business so that I can get a practical job and use that to my advantage! Also my birthday is coming up and I already have a huge list of things that I want! Most are books that can be bought on Amazon for like .01$ so its not to bad! If you want a coppie just ask! LOL anyway hope you all have a wounderful thanksgiving!!! Hannah
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Taking from others!
Well I was reading Resh's blog and I started to want to know more about India! So I started to research the country and the thing that intrests me most-ANIMALS! But this is what I have gleened in about 20 minets of research!
India, officially the Republic of India, It is the seventh largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. Four major world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated there, while Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam arrived in the first millennium CE and shaped the region's diverse culture. India comes from a river named Indus and the greek called theem the people of the Indus. There govenment is mostly a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. They have a president which is the head of state for a five year term voted by electoral college plus they also have a prime minister and a parlamint! They became this way in the 1950's! The countery is devided up into 28 states and some outlying places in the ocean. Trade with India and US exceeds 308 billion in 2008! They are known for their architecture, music, dance, cuisine and theatre! Their poplulation is estimated at 79,357,992!!! Here are some pics that I found interesting! They have some of the worlds most intersting animals and paintings!
This is the kinda a architecture they have! This is henna tattooing!

A painting of a tiger! Beautiful painting!

Indian Elephant, Whit Bangal Tiger, Sunderban Tiger, Cobra

A painting of a tiger! Beautiful painting!

Indian Elephant, Whit Bangal Tiger, Sunderban Tiger, Cobra
Indian Lion, Indian Lepord, Indian Crane, Indian Buck
I didn't know that some of these animals were in India! I hope that everyone can take a little from Resh and see what she loves about India! I have found alot and I might start to really learn about this stuff! Thanks Resh!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
So is been a rough week or two! So on the first of October(which was my and Joes one month anniversiry) me and mom got creamed by a ford F150 and a ford explorer!!! We were stopped at a light and the F150 didn't stop(her and her passenger swear that she was slaming on the breaks and the truck reved up) and plowed into us! We went forward and hit the explorer in front of us! ford 1 honda 0... So the first thoguth I had was "Mom are you ok?" and she said she was then I was like I better call 911!!! So I got my phone and called 911! I told the operator the there had been an accident at highway 61 and cardinal and then (since I didn't need to be strong for anyone else) started to freak out and cry!!! After the police officer got there and told us to get off the highway and we pulled into the parking lot near there I started to acess the damage! the F150 had two round metal things sticking out of the front and one of them was scratched other then that there was no damage! ford 2 honda 0...The explorer had a hitch on the back of it and it was scratched! ford 3 honda 0... Our honda got smushed!!!! I can't believe the airbags didn't deploy though! O well! So far mom and me have had doctors apointments and both have ciropractic apointments soon! I think I have a pinched nerve or something cuse my neck hurts! But thats why I havn't put anything up in the last week!
On another note I started taking calls today at Harry and David! It was really fun and I loved it! Its going to be fairly easy and I know I will do well! I still have no set schedule which is anoying but thats ok! I also got a promotion at the humane society! I am glad to! Well thats all for now I will put pics up when I can! Hannah
On another note I started taking calls today at Harry and David! It was really fun and I loved it! Its going to be fairly easy and I know I will do well! I still have no set schedule which is anoying but thats ok! I also got a promotion at the humane society! I am glad to! Well thats all for now I will put pics up when I can! Hannah
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well this is just a quick blog! I want to blog everyday so ya...! Tomarow is me and Joe's one month anniversiry! We both have to work but we are going to do something afterwards! Also me, mom, dad, and Joe are going to Portland this weekend and I am going to get all of my stuff! Its going to be fun!
Monday, September 29, 2008
New Job!
So today I started my new job at Harry and David! Its going to be really great! I used to work at ACS in Portland and that was really rough! I would get the worst calls of people yelling and swearing and crazy things like getting transfered to someone right next to me!!! But here the people we call or get calls from want to talk to us and want to buy from us! Its a lot esier system to learn and I don't have to know as much!
So me and Joe went to the Grants Pass-Merlin area to look at house-land prices! It differs so much! The was one that was just land(about 6.09 acres) and it was 350,000! Another one was 10 acres had a home and a shop with the whole property fenced in! It was 305,000!!!! Crazy! Someday me and Joe hope to get a place out there and build it up enough to re-sell it in the future! Obvisly thats like 5-10 years from now but its good to look to the future! We wanted to see how the market was doing right now and then when we look into it later we can see if it is growing or not!
Anyway thats all that happened so far! Hannah
So me and Joe went to the Grants Pass-Merlin area to look at house-land prices! It differs so much! The was one that was just land(about 6.09 acres) and it was 350,000! Another one was 10 acres had a home and a shop with the whole property fenced in! It was 305,000!!!! Crazy! Someday me and Joe hope to get a place out there and build it up enough to re-sell it in the future! Obvisly thats like 5-10 years from now but its good to look to the future! We wanted to see how the market was doing right now and then when we look into it later we can see if it is growing or not!
Anyway thats all that happened so far! Hannah
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Very Personal Blog!
So today I am thinking about my boyfriend Joe! Which I seem to do quite often now! I have relized how much he means to me and how much I love him! BUT we have decided to wait till we are married to have sex!!!! We are both virgins and think this is the best thing and really cool! Its hard though to not do anything though but I think I have the sheer will through God that helps me and him say no! We have already decided that we are going to get married but he needs to meet my family and ask mom and dad first! He will probly ask me in about 6months and I think thats a good amount of time! lets see we have known each other for two years in March, our one month anniversiry is on the first(so add that to 6months and then however long it is till the summer for the wedding) and you have how long! Seems like forever!!! I am trying really hard to not rush things which I tend to do and savor these moments because I know that this is a special time! Its crazy that I want to be with him all the time and be there when he needs me but thats what true love is all about, right? I just know that all the married people I know have this and I have finally found it!
On another note I would like you all to pray for a couple of friends of mine! The first is Susanna! She is in desprete need of a job and will leave here if she can't get one by the end of the month! The second is Teresa! Her mom has bi-polar, depresion and a slew of other problems that they are trying to deal with plus her dad has started to drink and smoke again and she needs all the prayers we can give her! I have been going to church and bible study every week and I love it! Though me and Joe want to find our own church in Merlin(where we are going to live after we are married)!
So I went to Wildlife Images twice this week! One tour with Susanna and Joe and the other with mom! It is really amazing how peaceful it is there! I really love it and can't wait to get a job there! I will be a volunteer soon and doing quite a bit by the way they were talking about it! Probly helping feed the animals and do tours! Also the humane society is also going great! I want to take almost every dog home with me! Pray for a dog named Kahoaha she is so scared in the kennels but so lovable! If I could I would adopt her myself!
So I just needed to blog about the various things in my life! Thanks for listening! Hannah
On another note I would like you all to pray for a couple of friends of mine! The first is Susanna! She is in desprete need of a job and will leave here if she can't get one by the end of the month! The second is Teresa! Her mom has bi-polar, depresion and a slew of other problems that they are trying to deal with plus her dad has started to drink and smoke again and she needs all the prayers we can give her! I have been going to church and bible study every week and I love it! Though me and Joe want to find our own church in Merlin(where we are going to live after we are married)!
So I went to Wildlife Images twice this week! One tour with Susanna and Joe and the other with mom! It is really amazing how peaceful it is there! I really love it and can't wait to get a job there! I will be a volunteer soon and doing quite a bit by the way they were talking about it! Probly helping feed the animals and do tours! Also the humane society is also going great! I want to take almost every dog home with me! Pray for a dog named Kahoaha she is so scared in the kennels but so lovable! If I could I would adopt her myself!
So I just needed to blog about the various things in my life! Thanks for listening! Hannah
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So I was going throgh MOM's closet! I thought you might like a preview of something I am making!
So these are just some of the pics I have found in moms closet! There are some cute ones of all of you as little ones!!! Just wait and see!
Ben and Jenesa!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Need Pictures!
So to all of you who read this I need old pictures of when we were all really young! I need pics of all the cusions and their parents way back in the day! I was rumaging through Moms pictures and found a ton of really good ones and am going to make something for the family christmas party! Send it either through email...(hottisphinx@yahoo.com) or mail me at(ask me where I live in an email)LOL Thank you Katy!This includes pictures from now to with your kids and everything! I will be taking pics from your guy's blogs to make the timeline complete! Thank you all Hannah
Monday, September 15, 2008
Lots of pics!

Hey everyone! So I got all my pics on a CD and now on the comp so here are some of them! I will explain them too so you got to look at all of them K! Having so much fun down here! I am now working at Harry and David plus I got volunteerships at the Southern Oregon Humane Society and Wildlife Images!!!! I am so excied to start both! I am going to be so busy now! I told mom that she needed to start a blog and she was like what would I write about? LOL O well! We are all doing fine down here so peace y'all!
So first off is the Blue Star Outing!

This was our driver!

My bangs are growing out!
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