What was just me and my thoughts are now going to become more then that. Now that I am married and have a sweet baby on the way, it's not just me, it's so much more then that!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The joys of giving and recieving!
I love giving gifts and getting them because I get the same feeling for both! You may say that that is a little selfish that I like getting gifts but I enjoy it because of the feelings it gives other people like when I give gifts! I have 3 more coming soon that I could only get on-line and won't be here for a while but then its back to the real world till next year! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve!
So its Christmas Eve and I am so excited! Tomorrow I am going to get up at 8am like I do every Christmas, eat, open presents, eat lunch, then off to see Sherlock Holmes with Phoebe! Its going to be amazing and so much fun! I can't wait till Ness and Derek get here! They will be here pretty late but still going to be fun! OH... I got to clean my room! LOL Bye
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A House?
When Katy starting talking about house hunting I started doing some looking myself! Its so weird I came upon this mobile home for $9500! Its in need of a little repair and love but its in a great location and has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and I keep going back to it and saying if I could get the money I could live there quite easily. I would be able to have a roommate if I wanted to and have my animals too. I am really going to consider looking into this because I believe God might have plopped this into my lap. Wish me luck!
Can't wait!
So for Christmas I can't wait for a couple of things! The first is to see everyone to open the presents I gave them! I love giving people stuff and seeing there face. The second is having Ness down here and seeing Derek and Lacy! We are going to have so much fun! The next is to open all my presents so I can thank everyone! This is going to be so much fun I can't wait! Plus on Christmas me and Phoebe are going to see Sherlock Holmes!!! Its going to be a blast! Its going to be fun this year!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
So I just got twitter and I am not really sure what to do... I guess just put thoughts out there right? Well I guess I will try! Anyway I could not get to sleep last night and I have no idea why. Maybe because Grandma is going to be giving me my Christmas present today for some reason. Or the fact that I am trying to talk to Joe. Who knows but I feel a little lost today and I am lucky that I only work 3 hours!
Monday, December 21, 2009
I think I did something silly! I sent a message to my ex Joe! I just feel horrible how things ended with him and I needed to apologize and ask his forgiveness. Is that stupid? I don't think so even if he doesn't message me back I got to at least apologize and that is good enough for me. But for some reason I can't seem to leave him behind the memories, good times and bad all seem distant but I still want it all back. I am totally nuts I know but hey that a bit entertaining right? Anyway I just thought I would vent a little.
A couple more things!
So last night I had a major OCD moment last night and organized my bathroom! It was really weird I just had to do it and did it till I was done then my brain went to my bedroom and I was like NO time for bed! LOL I was also looking at houses in Portland to see what the prices for them were and there is this mobile home that is like $9,000! I really wish I had the money then I could totally buy it and it would just be so cool! Its in Beverton and not to far from the zoo. It needs some updating and cleaning but thats why its a great deal! I looked at some of my old pics and found some that I know I haven't put up here. I took a trip to Washington to see my birth dad and his family and here are some pics! Plus I found a great clip of the HellGate trip we took this summer!

We buggie bordied for like an hour! I was so sore!

Me and my step sister Kristy

Us walking back

Before I left

Me and my birthfather Micheal

From left to right great grandma, me ,Micheal, and grandma!

Candid that Stephine my step mom took

Its crazy! We look so much alike! I love this photo!

We buggie bordied for like an hour! I was so sore!

Me and my step sister Kristy

Us walking back

Before I left

Me and my birthfather Micheal

From left to right great grandma, me ,Micheal, and grandma!

Candid that Stephine my step mom took

Its crazy! We look so much alike! I love this photo!

Sunday, December 20, 2009
So I have my first day off tomorrow and I am so glad! Its been a while where I didn't have to work at least one of my jobs! I think I am going to go see avatar! Nes said it was really good and I just have to see it! I am also going to be going ice skating with some people from work on Wed so wish me no accidents on that LOL Today was pretty easy only worked 6 hours at PetSmart. Now I just have to wrap dads present! Woot!
Dr. Horrible
Today I watched Dr. Horrible's sing-alog-blog and it was so funny! I can't wait till they do more! Anyway you all should see it because it really funny!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Long Long Time!
So its been a while once again that I have posted anything on this blog! Some things have changed and moved since the last time. I have been in school and done pretty well and this coming winter I will be taking a writing class, math class, and a P.E. Core and Cardio class. I am really excited but also scared because I will be adding that to my busy skedg. If you didn't know I am now un attached and not seeing anyone right now and don't plan to for a while. I also got a second job as a personal assistant to someone in my church. Now that I have 2 jobs things have seemed to get better money wise and I am glad about that. Well as for stuff that happens you probably don't want to hear it all so here are some of the pics from summer and fall! Hope you all enjoy!

Cory's Christmas Photo

My B-Day present from Mom and Dad


Dad and Grandmas first 3-D movie

Crater Lake

LOL me and Phebs

Cory's Halloween pic

Me and Phoebe for Halloween I was supergirl and she was a crazy person out on her "walk" LOL

My fav pic from Bill and Shannon's wedding

Shannons gift to Uncle Bill

Hellgate trip

Left to right Jessie Me and Phoebe

The sunset from Grandmas house
Cory's Christmas Photo
My B-Day present from Mom and Dad
Dad and Grandmas first 3-D movie
Crater Lake
LOL me and Phebs
Cory's Halloween pic
Me and Phoebe for Halloween I was supergirl and she was a crazy person out on her "walk" LOL

My fav pic from Bill and Shannon's wedding

Shannons gift to Uncle Bill

Hellgate trip

Left to right Jessie Me and Phoebe

The sunset from Grandmas house
Thursday, October 1, 2009
No one blogs anymore!
It seems to me that no one blogs anymore and that includes me! Are our lives so busy we forget to do it? Who knows! I just wanted to update you all on myself and whats happening. I have a new car and am so glad I do. I can now do what I want and when I want to. I have been to my one class in writing and it is so fun and I am learning a lot about essay writing. I might put some of them on here to see if you all think I am doing well! I also am going to be volunteering at Wild Life Images started this coming Wednesday. It has turned out to be more then I expected! I am doing an internship! I get to prep food, handle wild animals, and learn how to do tours!!! I get 3 credits for the 10 week internship and I am so excited! I get to learn the ins and outs of the place and am also going to do the outreach program and be able to educate children and old people! But that fills my Mon Wed and some weekends so I won't be available LOL! Well I guess that is all for right now! Toodles!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
So much new family!
Well I keep getting more and more new family! Its a little dizzying! Its nice though to know people want to get to know me and stuff! I also just sent a facebook to a lady who is supossed to know my birth mother Heather so there might even be more family to come! I might be able to set up a meeting with Michael(father) when we come up for Ashley's wedding and I really want to so I was thinking about doing it at the zoo! Somewhere where I feel comfortable and all! Well we shall see!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A lot has happened!
Like I said a lot has happened in the last couple of months! We moved to a new house!

Mom and Dad tub!

The Living Room!

The brekfast nook!

The kitchen!
And the newest thing to happen! I found my birth father on facebook! I have 4 younger siblings two half and two step!

This is my half Ashley! She is 17!

This is Michael Juenemann my birthfather!

This is Michael and his wife and his two step kids!
Its so crazy that I would suddenly find him! We are probably going to meet really soon so pray for me!

Mom and Dad tub!

The Living Room!

The brekfast nook!

The kitchen!
And the newest thing to happen! I found my birth father on facebook! I have 4 younger siblings two half and two step!
This is my half Ashley! She is 17!

This is Michael Juenemann my birthfather!

This is Michael and his wife and his two step kids!
Its so crazy that I would suddenly find him! We are probably going to meet really soon so pray for me!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Last night.....
I went out with Joe! We went to see X-Men the prequal! It was a good movie and I really enjoyed it! We had a lot of fun and it was just like old times!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So I have been thinking a lot about Joe latly! I think that my reason for breaking up with him might have been the stress from being sick not having a job or car and just being plain stupid! I think I have had a change of heart and hope that he will give me a second chance like I gave him! *Sigh* I think that we just seem to be destoned to be together! LOL As Joe said "Its just supossed to be this way!" Am I crazy...maybe. But all I know is he is the only one that fits me and my plans for the future. We both have grown in the last couple of months and I think we can do something about it! LOL Listen to me ramble on. Well on a different note I might be getting promoted to Pet Trainer in a couple of months. I talked to the head trainer Nan and she wants to hire me but I need to learn a little beford applying for the position. Also I have 2 wedding this year so far. Ashley and Tony are getting married on the 11th of July and Jenna and Forest are getting married the 19th of November. I got Ashley and Tony's gifts already and can't wait to give them to her! But she dosn't even know what a Bridal shower are and isn't having one yet! Not much else has changed though and so thats it for now! toodles!
Friday, March 13, 2009
My garden and some fun!
So here are some pics of my garden! This is about half the yard and I don't know if I can use more but I would like to.

that's where the pea's are so far!

First part of the garden

That is my table where I gather seeds and pot plants!

thats my greenhouse! It will be filled with all the flowers!
Me singing to a new song and having so much fun!
that's where the pea's are so far!
First part of the garden
That is my table where I gather seeds and pot plants!
thats my greenhouse! It will be filled with all the flowers!
Me singing to a new song and having so much fun!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So today I decided that tomarow I would start planting out my garden for this year. Right now I have Peas, Potatos, green onions, and tomatos and a ton of different flowers! I now have a small greenhouse for all the flowers and the ground for all the veggies! But I got so board that I decided to start today! As of now the only thing in my garden are peas! The ground is horrible and I need to chop it up, pick out the bad stuff, then put some new soil in and mix it around! Then I can start planting! I had already had 4 pea plant growing in bags and so they are now in the ground along with 5 more put in the ground to grow. Its about a 2 1/2 foot deep and 2 feet wide so it took me a while to get all that done! Anyway I will put picks up of my progress!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
New Vids!
So I just got a new device that lets me take all the pics and vids from my SD cards and put them on the computer! So I have put all my Vids on YouTube! Go see them! Its under my profile name which is hottisphinx! So enjoy!
Friday, March 6, 2009
My V-Day Video!
So I sent this to my frineds! Even though I didn't get anything on V-Day I hope it made them laugh and I hope you all do to!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So yesterday morning before work my knee poped out for the second time in 3 days! It won't go back into place either! Mom says that I need to see another specielist to see if they can do anything! I am so in pain that I can't walk!!! Anyway just wanted to update!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Don't know what to call!
So I got my first paycheck last week and I got a great suprise! I am getting paid 8.60! Thats .20 over minimum! I am so excited! I have been doing pretty well there and getting enough hours! I like it even though its hard work! In other news I hurt my knee again! It poped out while I was trying to sleep! *sigh* Its not fun at all! I went to work that morning about 3 or 4 hours after it poping out! I had to use cruches but I couldn't put my brace on till later. They told me to go home! Today everyone was asking how I was and everything! My managers were like are we going to have to get someone else to fill in? I looked them both in the face and said the only way I am not working is if you all tell me to go home! I think they liked that! Anyway I will be coming up to Portland on the 28th for Grandpa's birthday! I am so excited because that is the day the biologist's go out and count frog eggs and the volunteer banquett is on the 29th! I am also hoping to see some of my friends and maybe have a date to the banquett if he is in town! I got some new shoe's for the banquett and I need to get a dress! I will put a pic up soon of my shoe's (right now I can't ware them :( *sigh*) I really love them and they are super cute! I am going to be so busy! I have Sam coming down here for a week and me and mom are going to have so much fun with him! Then my friend Dustin is coming on the 20th to spend a day since we havn't seen each other in like a year! THen off to Portland for 2 and a half days that is going to be jam packed with zoo family and friends! So much to doa nd so little time! Its also my grandma Coxen's B-Day the same day as grandpa Lewis! I hope I will be able to make it to dinner! I might have to work at the zoo till 5pm so hope dinner is after that! Let's see what else? I have to put up this video I made for V-Day! I will put that up with the shoes later but its so cute! It's a frog singing a love song! More on that later! Well I think that is it for now so bye!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Early Riser!
So I went to bed pretty early last night only to wake up at 3am today! O well I have my first real day of work today at PetSmart so its no big deal! I am really excited about getting the job at PetSmart! I am working in PetCare which is small animals like hampsters, birds, fish, and reptiles! I am also getting paid more then ever! $8.40!!!!! I was expecting $7.95 like the rest of the world but they said from my experience at the zoo and the job I am going to go into then that was the right number! So when I woke up this morning I couldn't go back to sleep I was awake and ready to start my day! I have to work at 8am so I decided to get up and take a bath and do my morning stuff. Its only a part time job but I will probly get called in and so getting about 30+ hours which is great with the pay! And since PetSmart is all over the place in time I could move to whereever and still have a job! Now I know what you are thinking...that I didn't get very much sleep but really I got 7 hours and my body just woke up! Went to bed at 8pm so ya no worries there! Here are some pics I took all but one of them! Someday I want to do photography as a hobby! I have won sevral awards for my photos at the zoo and now I do artsy photo's! These are just some of those and some fun ones! I will upload all my artsy photos later! Well better finish getting ready for work *sigh* I like saying that!

My atempt at photo art!

More art!

I used myself as art!

Mom in a funny mask! We have so much fun together!

I thought this was cute!

My atempt at photo art!

More art!

I used myself as art!

Mom in a funny mask! We have so much fun together!

I thought this was cute!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A new Start!
I am so excited! Yesterday I had to go take a drug test for PetSmart! That means that they hired me! So by about Wed this week they should have the results and then I will be working part time at PetSmart!!! I am extremely excited and can't wait! Right now I am trying to relax and stay strong hoping that I won't get sick! I think I will do ok! Anywho just thought I would brag alittle! Now I just need to get mom a job!
Monday, February 2, 2009
So I had a great time watching the superbowl last night! I went with mom and dad to a couple they meet with for bible study and we had a great time! They had a 47'' Hi-Def TV that was really nice and lot's of snack's! It was fun except that the cards lost :( Makes me sad! On another note I called PetSmart today and was like "Hi this is Hannah I met you about a week and a half ago!" And Jeff(the guy who does the hiring) was like "Oh Ya I remember you! The one who works at the zoo right
?" I was like "Ya! I was woundering if you have looked at my resume yet?" "No, not yet I have been really swamped the last couple of weeks but I will make some time today, K?" "K, you remember my name right?" "Ya, Hannah Lewis. Worked at the zoo and wants to get into something with animals and has a pretty smile!" "Yap thats right. Thanks bye!" I guess I made an impression on him! Hope this pan's out! I will call him tomarow to see if he has looked at it! I must have determination and be persistant!
?" I was like "Ya! I was woundering if you have looked at my resume yet?" "No, not yet I have been really swamped the last couple of weeks but I will make some time today, K?" "K, you remember my name right?" "Ya, Hannah Lewis. Worked at the zoo and wants to get into something with animals and has a pretty smile!" "Yap thats right. Thanks bye!" I guess I made an impression on him! Hope this pan's out! I will call him tomarow to see if he has looked at it! I must have determination and be persistant!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Bad Night!
So last night I went to bed around 12am like I do every night! As I was falling asleep I was thinking of sweet things! But 4 times last night that I can remember I woke up crying and sobbing! My face wet with tears! 2 I woke up kinda yelling! What the heck is wrong with me? This has only happened one other time and that was an odd situation so.... well superbowl is today so put on that brave face and watch! I am rooting for the cards because the orangs at the zoo picked their shirt first! Well got to get on with life! Toodles!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I have been thinking about a lot of things latly! Mostly about love and getting married and all that! I talked to Brian for the past couple of days and I have noticed that my view is a little weird! It seems to me like it should be like a movie all romance and swooning but I know thats not true at the same time! *sigh* I think of the times I have said this isn't what I want because I want something else but then not really regret it but wounder what would have happened if... I hate that word if! If this and if that! If I had stayed with.... if I had done better in.... if I hadn't of said.... if seems so pointless!
But the fact is that if is a natural way to rationlize things! To make it seem better. But when I think about all my if's they arn't to say that anything would be better just differnet. I don't regret any decition I have ever mayed but would love to know how things would have turned out. That is why I am taking a bigger stand on love. Then I think about God and how he controls all this and think about how my parents have raised me. God will bring it to us.... when God gives us this it will be better.... God will provide everything for you.... but if you just wait for God to do everything your life won't go anywhere. All this comes down to me being more forward with feeling in love. I will not seek it but when I have it in my sites watch out.
Why do we make the decitions we do? Is it our nature or is there a higher power that knows the decition we are going to make? We have freewill but if all is pre ordaned by God then we must be ment for something and God will not just bring us to it. We need to grab it and take it. This is something I have been working on for a while.
Love is expansive. It takes my breath away. The way I want it and watch it. My heart pounds for you love. My love reaches, cry's, yell's for you love. The deep well of unemaganable passion streams from my fingers tword you. Everything I am is love but there is not place to put such things. I want to explode for you love. Take you always. I would die for you love. I would live for you. Take my time for you. Do everything for you love. But why have you forgotten me love. Everywher I look you are there but not for me. I jump for you. Have thoughts for you. Everything for you. But when will you be there for me. You have touched me and sent love through me but then taken it away. Why?
Anyway I thought I would share it. Better go to bed now! Hannah
But the fact is that if is a natural way to rationlize things! To make it seem better. But when I think about all my if's they arn't to say that anything would be better just differnet. I don't regret any decition I have ever mayed but would love to know how things would have turned out. That is why I am taking a bigger stand on love. Then I think about God and how he controls all this and think about how my parents have raised me. God will bring it to us.... when God gives us this it will be better.... God will provide everything for you.... but if you just wait for God to do everything your life won't go anywhere. All this comes down to me being more forward with feeling in love. I will not seek it but when I have it in my sites watch out.
Why do we make the decitions we do? Is it our nature or is there a higher power that knows the decition we are going to make? We have freewill but if all is pre ordaned by God then we must be ment for something and God will not just bring us to it. We need to grab it and take it. This is something I have been working on for a while.
Love is expansive. It takes my breath away. The way I want it and watch it. My heart pounds for you love. My love reaches, cry's, yell's for you love. The deep well of unemaganable passion streams from my fingers tword you. Everything I am is love but there is not place to put such things. I want to explode for you love. Take you always. I would die for you love. I would live for you. Take my time for you. Do everything for you love. But why have you forgotten me love. Everywher I look you are there but not for me. I jump for you. Have thoughts for you. Everything for you. But when will you be there for me. You have touched me and sent love through me but then taken it away. Why?
Anyway I thought I would share it. Better go to bed now! Hannah
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Been a while!
So its been a while since I posted! I have been feeling really tired all the time! Sleeping 12 or more hours at a time and needing to stay in bed all day. I would try to do things but got so tired I would lay down and fall asleep. Then on my monthly visit I keep getting really sick and throw up for about a day! Its happened two months in a row! I am now feeling a bit better and can stay on the comp for more then a few minets. I have been having a really rough time and just plain don't feel well. But I am still trying to get a job and plan to go to PetSmart tomarow to set up an interview. I have also been thinking about Grandma! She is all alone up there and I feel like someone should be with her just in case! *sigh* This has been bugging me for like 3 days and is eating away at me! But I need to get a job and pay off some things and then save for a car then I can think of moving! That is my plan and I really want to stick to it! Hopefully I won't get sick again for a really long time!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Crazy People!
I am so sick of some people! They are so rude and inconciderate of others feelings! Last night I got a txt at 11:02 from a girl named Jamie! She is the kinda girlfriend of one of my really good friends Steve. Well it was telling me to pick up my cat(which is at Steves) and that she think Steve likes me and that I should just take him. Then she goes off on how me and Steve and I should be happy together. Then gripes about Steve not appriciating going out and drinking! Then she is like if you don't come get your cat I am going to let it loose! :O I was in shock! I told her to stop txting me! Fine I just let your cat out! Then she starts to say that Steve will never pay me back and that he hates me and that she let my cat out! I finally told her that if she keeps threatning me and my cat that I would show up to her custudy hearing for her son and testify aginst her plus I could call the cops for threatning me and have her taken in on animal cruelty. She finally was like Steve dosn't care and I don't either and I just let your cat outside! Then nothing! I was really worried that she may have done something and couldn't sleep. But around 2am I was starting to get sleepy and then another txt comes through! Your cat is in the rain and Steve hates you now! I wanted to break down crying and I was shaking with anger! I know none of what she says is true because Steve would never do that but why would she even say it? I can't believe that there are people out there like her! So I couldn't sleep and when mom and dad got up at 5am I was in the kitchen eating some cheese! What a night!
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