Monday, December 8, 2008

Hard night!

So on Saturday I got my purse stolen! Well sort of! It got stolen and then I ran after the guy and then a cop on a bike got him! I got my purse back so no harm done! But then I got lost trying to get back to the max so I was trying to call Brian because he lives downtown and I find out that my phone isn't working! I was freaking out! But I found the max and got home ok! Scary! This is the second time I have almost been mugged! Do I have a sign posted somewhere? LOL anyway that was interesting and now I just want to relax till wednesday when I go back to the zoo! I have been working at the zoo for almost 2 years and I have almost 400 hours and I really want to get there! I am at 390 and I am working 3 more days so I think I will hit it! I love being in Portland!

1 comment:

Katy said...
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