Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yesterday I went to Forests birthday! I was a lot of fun and we had a great time. That night the boys went out to the pub and I stayed in with Jenna killing zombies and making quilts. We had so much fun. I got an odd message from a friend that I thought would never talk to me. She is friends with Joe so I never expected to hear from her. She wants me to help her this summer with her goats. She is showing them and need a helping hand. It sounds like fun and if I am not doing anything else I am definitely going to. I did so much yesterday and I am in so much pain today I slept in till like 11am! I feel so helpless sometimes and I hate it. I can't do other things that everyone else can do. I just want to thank everyone who helps and slows down while walking for me. Love you all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a fun day i enjoyed my slf and being with you was great!!